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Procédure pour transférer de MS S&T à Garmin Mapsourc

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J'au posé la question au gens du COG et voici la réponse:

Essentiellement ça ne se fait pas directement. Le fichier .est doit être converti en fichier .gpx et ouvert avec Mapsource de Garmin.

La conversion se fait avec un programme: GPSBabel: st2gpx

Yes, I do this all the time. I create all my routes in s&t and then download to my gps device using the steps below.

Use your favorite /sites/default/files/archivio/ engine to find st2gpx gps file conversion, or something like that. This is a conversion tool that changes the s&t file to a gpx file. Then you can import the gpx file into the garmin software, you will have to recalculate the file once in the garmin software. Now you can use a gpx file on a garmin gps, at least i can on my 2610. However, I like to have the native file format for the file so i re-save the gpx file once it has been recalculated to a gbd(garmin) format b4 transferring it to the gps device.

If anyone has additional questions I'll try my best to answer them. I'll try to keep an eye on this thread but if i don't reply right away please be patient.

Note: i have sent a gpx file to my gps and it worked just fine. I know this works with a garmin streetpilot 2610, 2620 and quest. I can't take credit for figuring this all out, Thanks Becca. The original person that figured this all out had a quest, not sure which version.

Disclaimer: You perform the above procedure at your devices own risk. I haven't had any problems doing it now for nearly 2 years, but one never knows.

Merci au site ZG/GTR fanatics (Concours Owners Group Forums) pour la reproduction de la réponse de bwipf

Il est Ă  noter que vous devez avoir MS S&T et Garmin Mapsource sur votre poste de travail.

Ride Safe!

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Tres bien pour les info's, pour le prix du Zumo 450 ici on peut l'avoir pour environ 520,26 $C

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